Cyber Security Portfolio

Bahar & Partners have integrated solutions with leading technology vendors to  provide a variety of technology solutions that caters to security, access control and surveillance. We were the first to market with a wide range of solutions that were COVID 19 compliant

Unified Computing Platform

Unified Computing Platform (UCP) is a technology that is being increasingly adopted by the banking industry to streamline their IT infrastructure and improve their overall efficiency. UCP allows banks to consolidate their hardware and software resources into a single platform, making it easier to manage and maintain their IT systems.

With UCP, banks can easily scale their infrastructure to meet their changing needs, without the need for significant hardware investments. It also provides improved security and reliability, ensuring that critical banking applications and systems are always available.

Overall, UCP is becoming an essential tool for banks to optimize their IT infrastructure and improve their operational efficiency, enabling them to provide better services to their customers.

Remote Access and Support

Remote access and support is a technology that allows technicians and IT professionals to access and troubleshoot devices and systems from a remote location. This technology is increasingly being adopted across various industries to improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and cut costs associated with on-site support.

With remote access and support, technicians can quickly diagnose and resolve issues, reducing the need for physical intervention. This enables organizations to keep their systems up and running without interrupting their operations, ensuring that critical business functions continue uninterrupted.

Overall, remote access and support is a vital tool for organizations to improve their IT support capabilities, reduce downtime, and cut costs associated with on-site support. It is increasingly becoming a standard practice across industries to improve operational efficiency and streamline IT support processes.

Endpoint Technology

Endpoint technology is an essential component of the banking industry’s IT infrastructure, enabling banks to manage and secure their endpoints, such as desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. Effective endpoint technology provides banks with centralized control and management capabilities, allowing them to manage software updates, configure settings, and deploy security policies across their entire network of endpoints.

In the banking industry, endpoint technology plays a critical role in ensuring the security and reliability of banking applications and systems. It helps banks to prevent malware attacks, detect potential threats, and respond quickly to security incidents.

Overall, endpoint technology is a vital tool for banks to manage and secure their IT infrastructure, ensuring the security and reliability of critical banking systems and applications.

Data Protection & Security

Data protection and security are critical concerns in the banking industry, as banks collect and process large amounts of sensitive customer data, including personal and financial information. Effective data protection and security measures are essential to safeguard against cyber threats, such as data breaches and identity theft.

To ensure the security of their data, banks implement a range of security measures, such as encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. They also establish data access policies and regularly train employees on data protection and security protocols.

Overall, data protection and security are critical components of the banking industry, and banks must continuously evaluate and update their security measures to protect against new and emerging cyber threats.


Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is a fundamental component of modern cybersecurity. This proactive and systematic approach helps organizations identify and mitigate potential security risks in their IT infrastructure. Vulnerability assessment entails a thorough analysis of systems, networks, and applications to pinpoint vulnerabilities and weaknesses. These could be software flaws, misconfigurations, or other issues that could be exploited by malicious actors. Penetration testing takes it a step further by simulating real world cyberattacks. Ethical hackers, also known as "white-hat" hackers, attempt to exploit the identified vulnerabilities to gauge the system’s security resilience. VAPT helps organizations safeguard their data, comply with regulations, and bolster their defenses, making it an essential practice in today’s digital landscape.

What is VAPT?

VAPT stands for Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing. At its core, VAPT is a two-pronged approach to identify and understand vulnerabilities in a system:

Vulnerability Assessment (VA) 

This is the process of identifying and listing vulnerabilities in a system. Think of it as a doctor’s general check-up, where they list potential health issues.

Penetration Testing (PT) 

Once vulnerabilities are identified, penetration testing attempts to exploit them, simulating what a real-world attacker might do. It’s akin to testing how severe a health issue is and if it can worsen under stress.

Why is VAPT Crucial?

  1. Comprehensive Insight: VAPT offers a holistic view of an organization’s vulnerabilities, from those lying dormant to those that can be actively exploited.
  2. Proactive Approach: Instead of waiting for a cyberattack to happen, organizations can proactively identify weak points and address them.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Many industries mandate regular VAPT exercises to ensure data protection and system integrity.

The VAPT Process for Application Security

  1. The VAPT process for application security is tailored to identify, exploit, and address vulnerabilities within software applications. Here’s a breakdown:

    1. Scope Definition
    • Purpose: Define which applications or parts of applications are to be tested.
    • Components: This can include web applications, mobile apps, APIs, and other software components.
    • Limitations: Some application parts, like live payment gateways or certain user data, might be off-limits to avoid real-world implications.
    1. Information Gathering
    • Purpose: Understand the application’s architecture, functionalities, and technologies used.
    • Techniques: Review documentation, explore all application features, identify endpoints, and understand data flow.
    • Tools: Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, and other proxy tools can help capture requests and responses for analysis.
    1. Vulnerability Detection:
    • Purpose: Identify weak points or misconfigurations in the application.
    • Automated Scanning: Tools like Burp Suite Pro, and Netsparker can scan applications for known vulnerabilities.
    • Manual Techniques: Testers use manual techniques to identify business logic flaws and other vulnerabilities that traditional automated tools might overlook.
    • Dynamic Application Security Testing: Modern AI-driven tools leverage semantic comprehension of applications to autonomously detect business logic flaws and vulnerabilities.
    1. Exploitation:
    • Purpose: Confirm the identified vulnerabilities by attempting to exploit them through techniques such as API Pen Testing.
    • Simulated Attacks: Testers might use tools or manual methods to exploit vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, or insecure deserialization.
    • Impact Assessment: Understand the potential damage, data exposure, or unauthorized actions possible due to the vulnerability.
    1. Reporting:
    • Purpose: Document the findings and provide actionable insights.
    • Components of a Good Report: Detailed findings, risk ratings, evidence/screenshots, reproduction steps, and recommended fixes.
    • Stakeholder Communication: Ensure that developers and management understand the vulnerabilities, their implications, and the necessary remediation steps.
    1. Remediation:
    • Purpose: Address the identified vulnerabilities in the application.
    • Code Review: Developers review and modify the code to fix the vulnerabilities.
    • Third-party Libraries: Ensure that all third-party libraries or components used in the application are updated and free from known vulnerabilities.
    • Security Best Practices: Implement security best practices like input validation, output encoding, parameterized queries, and secure coding techniques.
    1. Retesting
    • Purpose: Confirm that the vulnerabilities have been effectively addressed.
    • Follow-up: Conduct targeted tests focusing on the previously identified vulnerabilities.
    • Documentation: Update the report based on retest findings, indicating which vulnerabilities have been fixed and if any remain.
    1. Continuous Monitoring
    • Purpose: Ensure that new vulnerabilities aren’t introduced as the application evolves.
    • Tools: Use tools like SAST (Static Application Security Testing) and DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) for continuous monitoring.
    • Feedback Loop: Ensure developers receive feedback on any new vulnerabilities found, fostering a culture of continuous security improvement.

Cyber Security Portfolio

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